Terms and Conditions

This website belongs to ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal, S. A. (hereinafter mentioned as ANA). The Service Policies here included rule the relation that is established between ANA and the Website user. Such policies may be subject to change whenever ANA considers necessary.

If ANA decides to change these Service Policies, the new version shall replace this one, and shall enter into effect on the date of its publication at this website. The relationship between ANA and all users will be governed by the new version published.

We advise you to periodically visit this page to ensure that you are familiar with the Service Policies in effect. Please also note that ANA reserves the right to change the content of this website at any time.

Users who do not agree to these terms and conditions may not continue to use this website or book any services through it.

The website’s purpose is to provide commercial and operating information considered relevant to the users of the Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Madeira and Azores airports.

The link to the payment pages of www.ana.pt uses a series of security methods and measures to protect the personal information of our users. During this process, your personal data is encrypted so that it cannot be read by third parties.

Users may choose to pay any of the booked services with a credit card.

ANA shall not be liable for the possible fraudulent, illegal or abusive use of any credit card or any other means of payment. Even so, ANA shall not tolerate any fraud or attempted fraud, or illegal use of such means of payment. Any user attempting to use a payment method without authorization, if found by ANA, will be removed by ANA and prohibited from using the services at www.ana.pt.

ANA also reserves the right to legally act against the perpetrator.

Credit Card

The booking of the services made available at the website may be paid through credit cards of the VISA or Mastercard network that the user may be the beneficiary.

To comply with new security rules published by VISA International and Europay/Mastercard International, as of 01 April 2001, all requests for authorization to perform transactions using these systems’ cards may only be processed by RedUnicre when the information furnished includes the security code (CVV2/CVC2) of the card in question. The security code is a number composed of three figures, printed in the reverse of the card, after the credit card number, on the right hand side of the signature panel of all VISA and Europay cards.

Credit card bookings are subject to confirmation by RedUnicre. If the request is denied, you may contact your bank or card issuer for further clarification.


MBnet is a solution of SIBS – entity responsible for the Multibanco network - to make payments on the website www.ana.pt in a simple and secure way. There is no need to hold a credit card. You just need to adhere to MBnet in an ATM machine or through your home banking.

When you decide to acquire a service, you have access to the website www.mbnet.pt, where you can generate a credit card number, and define the maximum amount of the transaction. When you make the payment, the purchase amount, up to such defined limit, shall be debited in your bank account. Since it is a virtual card, valid for only one transaction up to a ceiling determined by you, the use of MBnet ensures greater security.

Price policy

All prices mentioned include VAT at the legal rate in force in Portugal.

Exchange policy 

The currency used as basis for the prices of the services mentioned is Euro, and the final purchase takes place in Euros.


For the purpose of the booking to be made, customers undertake to be aware of and comply with the “Regulation for the Operation and Use of Car Parks and Areas Reserved for Dropping Off and Picking Up Users at Aeroportos, SA” (Regulation No. 386/2019, of 30 April, regarding Operation and Use of Car Parks and Areas Reserved for Dropping Off and Picking Up Users at Airports, published in the Diário da República, No. 83, 2nd series, of 30 April 2019).


Under the terms of Article 27 of Regulation No. 386/2019, of 30 April, regarding the Operation and Use of Car Parks and Areas Reserved for Dropping Off and Picking Up Users at Airports, published in the Diário da República, No. 83, 2nd series, of 30 April 2019, stopping and parking in the car parks and areas reserved for dropping off and picking up users does not constitute a depositary contract for either the vehicles or the objects contained inside them. Therefore, ANA and/or the service provider contracted by ANA shall not be liable for any theft, robbery, damage or losses caused to the vehicles by third parties, nor is there any duty or obligation to safeguard, preserve or maintain the parked vehicles.

Products and Prices

ANA has a wide variety of parking offers. These offers vary according to the parks chosen and are limited to the number of available parking spaces.

Prices and existing types of parking that are shown on the website, are subject to change and updates without previous warning.

General Booking Conditions

When booking a service, the client must correctly fill in the details requested at the form; otherwise it may not be validated by ANA.

Whenever a client books a service they will receive a confirmation e-mail with the parking voucher and an e-mail with the invoice. The voucher must be printed out, since it must be shown to use the parking area.

Entering/Exiting the Park

The client should collect the ticket issued when entering the park and keep it until exiting. The ticket must be provided together with the voucher before leaving the park, in order to be validated.

In case the parking entrance is equipped with a bar code/QR Code reader, you should pass the voucher on the reader and collect the ticket.

Entering the park using the “Via Verde” system prevents the use of the voucher. The amount of the voucher will not be reimbursed.

Before you leave the park, you should present the ticket collected when you entered, together with the booking voucher and identification document, at the manual payment cashier. 

If you used the bar code/QR Code reader to enter the park, you should make sure that the booked time was not exceeded. In such case you should pay for the exceeding amount before leaving the park, otherwise you may proceed to the exit.


Clients may cancel/reschedule the booking with no added cost, up to 12 hours before the estimated time of entry. Later cancellations and reschedules shall not be refunded.

To cancel/reschedule the booking, clients should contact our services through the phone number 808 919 091 and follow the instructions provided by the operator, or send an email to:

- Bookings for Lisbon Airport - lisboapark@ana.pt   

- Bookings for Porto Airport - portopark@ana.pt  

- Bookings for Faro Airport - faropark@ana.pt 

- Bookings for Madeira Airport - madeirapark@ana.pt 

If the booked services will not be used, for reasons beyond the responsibility of ANA, there will be no refund.

The Voucher can be used only once and only grants access to the park and parking area, on a first-come-first-serve basis, except if mentioned otherwise. Parking spots are not marked, unless otherwise indicated.

The non-use or partial use of the voucher does not entitle the client to a total or partial refund of the amount of the booking.

The driver is responsible for any damages caused in the park to ANA or to third parties.

The parking booking and its use does not dispense the consultation of the park regulation in force, available for consultation on the manual payment cashiers.

ValetXpress Service

ValetXpress is a collection and parking service provided by a team that ensures you professionalism, safety, convenience and a lot of comfort. This service is available in the airports of Lisbon and Porto, and it may be booked through the website www.ana.pt,

Prices shown on the website are subject to change and updates without previous warning.

You may book the ValetXpress service in two ways:

- On the internet, when making your parking booking.

- At the counter, in the Departures area

When it is not possible to have a joint inspection of the vehicle, this will be done later, and the client may not claim for damages and/or liabilities from ANA.


Clients may cancel/reschedule the booking with no added cost, up to 24 hours before the day of the booking. Later cancellations and reschedules shall not be refunded.

To cancel the booking, clients should contact our services through the following e-mail address: servicoscomerciais@ana.pt.

If the booked services will not be used, for reasons beyond the responsibility of ANA, there will be no refund.

The Voucher can be used only once.

The non-use or partial use of the voucher does not entitle the client to a total or partial refund of the amount of the booking.

The “ANA Lounge” was created with comfort and convenience in mind for frequent flyers seeking a unique experience. It offers a wide range of Portuguese beverages, snacks and products for you to enjoy. If you want to use your waiting time to get ahead, the “ANA Lounge” has everything you need to work comfortably and efficiently. While waiting for your flight, you can also stay in tune with the latest news with channels, newspapers and magazines telling everything that’s going on, everywhere. This service is available at the airports of Lisbon and Porto, and may be reserved through the website www.ana.pt. The service operates between 5:00 AM and 11:00 PM, with a maximum use time of 3 hours.

Prices shown on the website are subject to change and updates without previous warning.

General Booking Conditions

When booking a service, the client must correctly fill in the details requested at the form; otherwise it may not be validated by ANA.

Whenever a client books a service they will receive a confirmation e-mail with the voucher and an e-mail with the invoice. The voucher must be printed out and delivered when entering the Lounge. At the time of entering the Lounge, you can also request your boarding pass.


Clients may cancel/reschedule the booking with no added cost, up to 24 hours before the day of the booking. Later cancellations and reschedules shall not be refunded.

To cancel the booking, clients should contact our services through the following e-mail address: servicoscomerciais@ana.pt.

If the booked services will not be used, for reasons beyond the responsibility of ANA, there will be no refund.

The Voucher can be used only once.

The non-use or partial use of the voucher does not entitle the client to a total or partial refund of the amount of the booking.

Fast Track service is the solution for passengers who have no time to lose, or wish to make the most of every moment at the airport without any stress or queuing. This is a priority lane allowing for speedy security control. This service is available at the Lisbon, Porto, Funchal and Ponta Delgada airports, and can be booked via www.ana.pt

Prices shown on the website are subject to change and updates without previous warning.

ANA would like to point out that the “Fast Track” – although it makes getting to your flight faster, with less time waiting in line – does not replace or shorten mandatory procedures such as check in, security or boarding. Thus, we recommend that you will always allow the necessary time for these procedures.

We alert that, in case of strike, the Fast Track channel may be conditioned and another channel may be made available for use.

General Booking Conditions

When booking a service, the client must correctly fill in the details requested at the form; otherwise it may not be validated by ANA.

Customers who make a reservation will receive a confirmation email with a voucher, and another email with an invoice. Once at the airport, after checking in, you can go to the Fast Track line with your boarding pass and voucher and show your proof of purchase with the barcode.


Clients may cancel/reschedule the booking with no added cost, up to 24 hours before the day of the booking. Later cancellations and reschedules shall not be refunded.

To cancel the booking, clients should contact our services through the following e-mail address: servicoscomerciais@ana.pt.

 If the booked services will not be used, for reasons beyond the responsibility of ANA, there will be no refund.

The Voucher can be used only once.

The non-use or partial use of the voucher does not entitle the client to a total or partial refund of the amount of the booking.

ANA is committed to ensuring the privacy and protection of the personal data of all those who relate with ANA, namely users of the website www.ana.pt.

Our efforts must be supplemented by a responsible approach on the part of users in order to protect their personal data.

Therefore, ANA advises the users:

- To refrain from sharing their username or password;

- Not to make a note of the password or username in easy access places (diary, computer, etc.);

- At the time of accessing the payment page or the pages for editing personal data, to confirm that the browser is in secure session (in this case, the browser bar will show a specific symbol and padlock, and the website address will begin with "https://"). You can also confirm if the secure session certificate belongs to ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal, SA, by checking the information in the window which opens after clicking on the padlock);

- To ensure that the browser is closed before leaving the computer unattended;

- To make sure that the computer or computer network used to access www.ana.pt is free of viruses and spyware.

All intellectual property rights related with the information made available on this website, including but not limited to text contents, headlines, photos, images, moving images, pictures, names, logotypes and brands, belong to ANA or to possible licensees. ANA making available such information does not transfer to the user, in any case, the right to reproduce or distribute such information. Such actions are not allowed without the previous consent of ANA or the above mentioned possible licensees.

Nevertheless, the user is authorised to download and/or print out the information for private and non-commercial purposes. This website cannot be shown embedded in other websites that do not belong to ANA.

Users can, however, create and distribute links for the pages of www.ana.pt. ANA reserves the right to approve or deny these links.

The website and the mobile version of the website www.ana.pt may contain advertisements (including banners), promotions and other contents supplied by third parties, including the retailers. All advertisements, promotions and other contents (including the reference buttons and hyperlinks) do not constitute any recommendation or endorsement from our part regarding the promoted good, service, or final website of the link.

All information provided at the advertisements or the final websites of the links shown at www.ana.pt or its mobile version are of the exclusive responsibility of the advertisers. In case the user shall need any clarification regarding any advertised product or service, should contact the related advertiser. 

In particular, ANA has no control or responsibility over:

1 - Quality, safety or legality of any good or service advertised by third parties;

2 - Authenticity or accuracy of the description of the good or service advertised by third parties;

2 - Competence or authorisation of the advertiser, retailer or third parties to sell such product or service.

In the case of retailers, ANA also monitors the feedback of the users regarding the products and the retailers, as long as such feedback is provided through the “Client Support/Suggestions” system.

The website www.ana.pt may contain links to other external websites operated by third parties, including retailers and Rent-a-Car operators. The websites belonging to these external links are outside of ANA’s control. ANA assumes no responsibility for the content of these websites, or for any products or services purchased or hired by users at any of these websites, or at websites linked or referred to in them. ANA may not ensure that the contents of any third party website are accurate, legal or harmless.

Some external websites may be shown in the website www.ana.pt through frames, whether including some of our website contents or not, or include reciprocate links to our website. Such resources are available only for the convenience of the users and do not constitute an endorsement to such websites or their contents.

Users assume the exclusive responsibility for using external websites.

ANA may, at any time and based on the criteria it may deem appropriate, terminate the access of the user to the website www.ana.pt.

You can consult our Privacy Policy here. This policy explains how we collect and use the personal information we obtain through your use of www.ana.pt.

ANA only works with third parties with adequate technical and organizational measures to meet legal requirements, namely in the area of security and confidentiality. As such, ANA aims to safeguard the rights of data subjects by protecting personal data against unauthorized access, misuse, loss or destruction.

These technical and organizational measures are periodically reviewed and improved. The website www.ana.pt is constantly monitored by specific tools to detect and eliminate potential cyber-attacks.

ANA develops its best endeavours so that the information contained on this website is accurate and complete. Even though, ANA may not, explicitly or implicitly, guarantee that the information contained in this website is complete and accurate, or that the website will not be subject to delays or interruptions.

Users of the website agree that ANA shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect loss resulting from the use of the information it contains. Similarly, ANA shall not be liable by the services and/or products offered by third parties through this website.

ANA, as well as the retailers present on www.ana.pt are not accountable for delays or contractual breaches due to force majeure, disturbance, total or partial strike, flood, fire or war.

The agreement between the user and ANA, based on these terms and conditions, shall be governed and interpreted according to Portuguese law.

The user irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial circuit of Lisbon, with regard to this agreement.


September 2023